A few years ago, I quit Facebook and never really started Twitter. I found myself after hours and hours of "research" realizing that I had been lost in cyberspace, reading a lot and learning about absolutely nothing that would help me be a better citizen of the world. I would look at pages of people I knew, which led me to pages with people I sort of knew, which led me to pages of people I did in fact know but didn't realize they knew the other person I knew. Then I began my sleuth missions, looking to see why some people were connected to others or why they weren't. Waste. Of. Time. I realize now that I can quit Facebook and Twitter as personal relationship social media, but it is irreplaceable for the professional connections and collaborations that can be created. It is our job is to be stewards of educational technology. To do that well, we must be connected in ways that are immediate, relevant, and allow us to collaborate globally. These two platform...